This page contains some of the questions that we have been asked concerning our products and how to use them. If you have a query reading through this may help - if not, please feel free to contact us via email at info@livingsoilsfertiliser.com.
How would I use your products with autoflowering strains?
We suggest you use our new Grow AUTO & Bloom AUTO products that have been developed specifically for this type of plant and replaces our standard Grow and Bloom, which are for photoperiod plants. Otherwise, you could purchase our Pre-Mixed AUTO Soil.
if you are making your own living soil using our amendments, we have developed a Feeding Regime that specifically for auto plants that may be useful.
Could you advise me on how I would pre-fertilise the substrate using your Grow or Grow AUTO mix please?
We recommend thoroughly mixing Grow (or Grow AUTO) with your substrate and watering so it has something like 5% runoff. After this, leave it for 2 weeks (at the very least a 10 days) to balance out.
It should heat up and start to cool after 10 days - so you can plant your seed/ seedling straight in. In the meantime, for photoperiod plants as you may transplant your seedling, you could germinate your seed in a separate small pot.
If leaving for more than 2 weeks, you don't want the mix to dry out completely so water as though there is a plant in there and it will be fine to use for up to 6 months.
If transplanting, when the seedling is old enough (2/3 weeks with its second set of true leaves) gently transfer it into your pot with the activated growing medium. For seedlings in their final pot we suggest not feeding for 4 weeks or so as there will be plenty of nutrients available.
After this, all our products are top dressings - simply sprinkle on the suggested amount, lightly mix in with substrate and water in.
Can I use water straight from the tap when watering my plants?
We advise against using water straight from the tap: depending on where you are located, your tap water will contain chlorine or chloramine (or both) - these are chemicals water companies use to kill microbes, and therefore are pretty unwelcome when growing any plants, but especially in a Living Soil.
We recommend using rainwater if possible, tap water left to stand for 24 hours or a water conditioning additive to remove all traces of chlorine/ chloramine before watering your plants.
If your tap water has a ph of around 6.5 - 7 that would be perfect; otherwise, you can use ph up or ph down to get it to around this level, if possible. If you can’t, don’t worry!
Please can you tell me if your products are similar to a high quality product in North America, called Gaia Green?
Sure - yes we are similar in the way that our products are premium organic dry amendments. We use some of the same ingredients but have access to the (more developed) UK horticultural market and therefore also use some more premium/ different ingredients.
Do I need to water the soil/ coco more than if I was using standard chemical fertilisers?
We think that to maintain a healthy microbial life and to enhance nutrient availability for your plant, we would suggest keeping the soil just a little bit wetter than you would otherwise to reduce the chance that the substrate could dry out completely – you still want the top of the substrate to be very slightly damp to the touch.
What is the best way to store your products?
We think that our products are best kept in the bag, resealed in conditions that are cold and importantly, dry - this ensures the microbial life is are kept dormant until it is mixed with your substrate and watered. Some customers have reported that storing them in an airtight container in a refrigerator further prolongs shelf life.
What is the shelf life of your products?
Our products are best used within 3 months of their being dispatched. Some of our 'Beneficial' range of products such as MycoBoost, Rockdust, Diatomite and Neem will be fine for more than 12 months from purchase.
Are your products able to be used as teas?
Yes, sure - all our products are usable as tea - many people have had great results with this. For a standard tea, simply mix the recommended dose for your pot size and growing medium with water, stir occasionally and leave for 24-48 hours.
Do I need to buy cal mag if using your products in soil or coco?
You shouldn’t need to purchase any cal mag supplements with our products, but if for some reason your plant is getting a:
Calcium deficiency: try top dressing our Wormcasts: these are great to use as these contain high amounts of calcium, but also phosphorous and are rich in humus.
Magnesium deficiency: MycoBoost has a good amount of magnesium in it (in addition to beneficial bacteria and fungi) - it also has a good calcium rating. We recommend adding MycoBoost weekly if growing in coco.
If growing in winter with lower temperatures should I account for a less effective soil life activity ? Should I consider using heating mats or wires and below what temperature?
Microbial activity will likely be a bit slower and therefore maybe heat mats would only be a good idea if grow room below something like 15 deg C (although it would seem unlikely your grow room will get that cold!) so would probably not worry about the heat mats too much..
Your Grow products seem to promote mould growth on the top layer a few days after my initial mix was made? Is this to be expected?
Sure - it’s actually a great sign - the mould is actually most likely as a result of the beneficial fungi we include in our veg mixes: it shows that the Grow product is really working. A little more about mycorrhizae, and the value to your plant below:
Mycorrhizas are fungal associations between plant roots and beneficial fungi. The 'mould' on the top of the soil is most likely actinomyces, a thread like bacterial decomposer that produces a number enzymes to help degrade organic matter including lignin and chitin.
How would I go about re using the soil for another grow cycle?
Our preferred way is to remove plant roots, and remix - apply grow/ grow AUTO (if your plant is an auto), Rockdust & Wormcasts at the recommended dosages in feeding schedule - if you need more volume you can either add more wormcasts or ericaceous compost or coco, water until 5% runoff, then wait for the mix to balance out (so around 10 - 14 days) and you are good to go!
What minimum pot size would you recommend?
We get asked this a lot - for most customers we suggest that the minimum pot size should be 20L: for 'no till system', 'the bigger the better' really as you want to keep as much as your soil alive as possible - it has a better ability to retain nutrients, and increase it's water holding capacity. Having said that, we have growers who have been massively successful with pots as small as 6L.
How should you water your pre mixed soils?
Proper watering of your newly filled pots is important to get the best start for your garden. When watering our soil vs. a commercial brand of regular compost, you will notice that initially it repels water as its hyperbolic; the base of our soil is made from bulrushes & coco: once these soak up the water, it will retain it really well, so we suggest 'water little and often'; watering 2 or 3 times a day multiple days in a row is the best way to start your containers.