Over the years we've made contact with numerous specialist suppliers of premium organic soil conditioners and natural amendments. These are who we use to purchase our ingredients from.

Our recipes are a well kept secret (as they took us years to develop and fine-tune). Below, however, are a few of the ingredients we use, and the benefit for your plants in each case:
Bat guano
Bat guano has high levels of slow- and fast-release nitrogen and phosphorus as well as usable levels of micronutrients due to the wide variety of diets the bats may eat. It is considered one of the most nutrient-dense natural fertilisers on the market.
Seaweed meal
Fresh seaweed contains a plethora of major and minor plant nutrients and trace minerals that it absorbs from the ocean. These include minerals such as sulphur, magnesium, boron, and calcium.
Mealworm frass
Mealworm frass is an organic fertiliser. Unlike bat guano or wormcasts, frass comes entirely from herbivore insects (in this case the mealworm or Tenebrio Molitor); this means you are essentially feeding back digested plants to your plants, making it a perfect, well-rounded form of plant food packed with microbial life plus chitin which stimulates the plants SAR response.
Mycorrhizal fungi
Really important at the seedling stage as it will determine the health of the plant through its life. The fungal hyphae stretch out into the soil giving a much larger surface area to absorb water and nutrients. This means lower fertiliser inputs are required and plants have improved protection from pathogens due to the physical barrier of the fungi around the plant’s roots.
Bokashi bran
Each handful of bokashi bran is teeming with plant friendly microbes. Once bokashi bran is added to soil, it springs to life. Right away the bokashi microbes start breaking down and mineralising amendments and organic matter into bio-available forms.
Worm casts
Worm castings contain enzymes, beneficial bacteria, and humus. They contain no salt and cannot burn plants. Worm castings, in a sense, moderate a plant's uptake of heavy metals as well as excess acidity or alkalinity from the soil and therefore act as a PH buffer.
Volcanic rock dust
Volcanic rock dust contains two thirds of all non-synthetic minerals known to man and is a natural method of adding essential trace elements to your soil. Benefits include high yields, tastier fruit and vegetables and increased resistance to pests and drought.
Wheat bran
Wheat bran is high in phytic acid, a saturated cyclic phosphate based acid. It is generally not absorbed by animals and over time has evolved to be the principle way in which plants store phosphate. Soil microbes are more than capable of breaking down phytic acid and making it available for plants to use; releasing not only phosphorus, but also a massive 15% amino acids (by weight), as well as plentiful carbohydrates.
Dolomite lime
Dolomite is a limestone compound containing calcium and magnesium. It contains 8 to 12% magnesium and 18 to 23% calcium. These elements influence the soil pH while providing valuable nutrients to your plants. Another reason to use dolomite is simply to provide your plants with the nutrients they need. Some plants such as tomatoes, need extra calcium as they grow, and dolomite is an excellent way to provide that nutrient.
Alfalfa builds organic matter in your soil providing nutrients to plant roots. Its high nitrogen content helps other organic material to decompose. Organic matter also helps to prevent compaction, acts like a sponge and holds moisture in the soil, improves soil structure, and helps to prevent erosion.
Neem meal
Neem meal (or ‘cake’) is the residue of neem kernels after they are crushed for their oil. It includes well over 100 bio active ingredients and has been proven to be effective against a spectrum of nematodes and other soil pests. Our neem meal is certified organic and sourced direct from a cooperative of farmers in Tamil Nadu, India.
Malted Barley Powder
Malted barley powder is barley that has been sprouted and then dried and powdered. It's chock full of beneficial enzymes such as phosphatase, chitinase, urease, protease and amylase. These enzymes act as catalysts in your soil, helping microbes break matter down into nutrients your plant can use.
Soybean meal
Soybeans leave nitrogen-rich residue in the soil, which leads to vigorous growth of decomposer bacteria and fungi microbes. It has a typical analysis of 7-1.5-1 (N,P,K) and is a slow release form of fertilisation
We encourage you to store our products in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight. If exposed, UV and extreme temperatures will break down the organic compounds, leaving you with a less effective product.
Note: Mycelium can appear on top of your substrate. This is not a defect: it improves microbial life inside the substrate and will not harm humans, animals or plants. Fungi is the main agent of the decomposition of organic matter such as simple sugars, amino acids, etc. It solubilises minerals that are not initially available to plants.