We have created what we think is the ultimate certified organic cover crop seed blend: it’s been developed by us alongside a seed expert, and contains 8 different plant species, each with its own distinct benefits: its ideal for using with our pre mixed living soils.
Whats in it?
Our unique mix contains 8 different plant species, each with its own distinct benefits:
- Cereals & grains
Spring Wheat, Barley and Rye help build up biomass and break up soil compaction with their large root mass and aerate the soil leading to better water distribution.
- Legumes
Crimson and Persian Clover as well as Vetch are amazing at fixing nitrogen in the soil so the plants can take it up and flourish.
- Broadleaf plants
Buckwheat & phacelia are quick germinators, help protect the soil and suppress weeds.
Finally, to maximise biodiversity in your soil, we also include a small amount of ryegrass.
Benefits of a cover crop
Cover crops are recommended to use as part of a living soil system, basically replicating the soil food, diversifying microbial populations in soil, encouraging them to form beneficial symbioses with your main plant.
Additionally, they 'cover' your exposed substrate from strong light & heat, reducing evaporation. Their roots also assist by finding nutrients and when chopped, the clippings form a nutritious mulch.
For a more in depth discussion on the benefits of a cover crop, see our blog post.
How to use it
Our cover crop mix should ideally be planted at the same time or shortly after your main plant. When sown, the seeds should be covered with a thin layer of soil.
We recommend using 15-20g per 20L pot. The pack should be turned upside down and shaken before use to ensure the smaller seeds are equally mixed with the larger ones.
When your cover crop reaches around 10cm from the soil level, new growth should be cut and added to your mulch layer where the nutrients will be broken down to form a green manure, improving your soil structure and feeding your main plant.