Grow AUTO has been specifically developed for the vegetative stage for auto plants. When added to a good, light compost or coco, the unique blend of natural ingredients in this product will help cultivate vigorous, healthy and organic auto plants.
It contains pretty much all ingredients as our standard Grow blend, but is different in 2 important ways, it:
- Includes more Phosphorous and Potassium to provide plants with nutrients for the flower stage from the word go
- Is ‘milder’ – as these plants don’t require quite as much Nitrogen rich nutrition, and as the vegetative stage is generally shorter.
Grow AUTO provides your substrate with all the macro and micronutrients and trace elements that your plant will require through the vegetative stage but it will also assist in early flower, from which point additional applications of Bloom AUTO and Malted Barley Powder should be added.
Many growers, particularly those who grow in coco, also use Wormcasts for the initial mix and for top dressing as this is a great source of calcium.
In this blend we’ve added 18 different species of mycorrhizal fungi to assist with reaching and processing all available nutrients in your substrate. It also includes powdered volcanic rockdust, insect frass, alfalfa as well as bokashi to further encourage microbial life.
If you are running short of time or would prefer to purchase some soil that has been pre-mixed and balanced out (rather than mix your own), definitely check out our Pre-Mixed Soil: AUTO product!
Key ingredients
EM1 infused bokashi bran, Volcanic rockdust, Mycorrhizal fungi, Mealworm and BSF Frass, Organic Scottish Seaweed, organic Bat Guano, Wheat bran.
How to use it & dosage
Initial mix:
Mix 3-5 ml of Grow AUTO per litre of soil (1-2 tbsp/ gallon) (double this for coco) - ideally 2 weeks before planting, water thoroughly and leave somewhere relatively warm. If already planted up, incorporate it as a top dressing: add it to the top of your growing media and water in well after application. This will last 3-4 weeks of vegetative growth.
For an indicative feeding chart showing how to use this product using a 20L pot, see our feeding page.
[If you don't want to/ have the time to wait for the balancing out period, you could instead use our Pre-Mixed Soil that has been developed specifically for auto plants - plus this has all required flowering nutrients already added.]
After planting:
If already included in your initial mix, you may not need to top dress any more Grow AUTO as the plant's unlikely to need it, however, if you do, we suggest use sparingly at less than 2ml per litre of soil. Coco: Double the soil quantity and if possible add a generous dose of Wormcasts to boost humus levels and MycoBoost for cal mag.
[Please note: unfortunately our 5L bags are the only items in our range that are not compostable: we cannot find a compostable bag that is big enough - as soon as we can, we will use it].