Soil Candy is a complex mix of high molasses content natural sugar cane, carbohydrates & L amino acids derived from enzymatic hydrolysis.
It provides the microbes in your substrate with an energy boost & is designed to increase your plants' floral growth.
- Molasses is a well-known plant amendment: it not only turbo charges microbial activity in your substrate but is also incredibly rich in micronutrients & minerals.
- Amino acids are essential for plant growth and development as they are the building blocks of protein: by making amino acids readily available to your plants they can use their energy to grow and bloom, rather than focusing on producing amino acids themselves.
- We include a source of all essential amino acids, with the most prevalent being arginine, leucine & valine.
This unique mix includes both molasses and all essential amino acids and has been specifically designed to increase your plants floral growth and resin production.
Dosage & application guidance
Soil Candy is powerful: you therefore only need to apply a small amount for great results!
- Photo: Top dress 1ml (or 1 gram) per litre of substrate every 2 weeks through flower stage until 2 weeks before harvest.
- Auto: Top dress 0.5ml (or 0.5 grams) per litre of substrate every 2 weeks through flower stage until 2 weeks before harvest.
This product should be kept in a cool, dry place and should be used within 3 months from date of order.